needs of the client. Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a solution-focused psychotherapeutic treatment that helps patients understand the thoughts and feelings influencing their behaviors. CBT is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on the mind's role in evaluating the current situation and emphasizes the development of mental strategies that help clients overcome the challenges caused by anxiety and stress. 

During therapy, clients discover how their negative thoughts and perceptions often lead to physical and mental symptoms, which shape their current situations. By becoming aware of their negative thinking patterns, clients begin to change the way they perceive and respond to their surroundings improving functioning in situations that once provoked feelings of anxiety, stress and hopelessness. Dr. Robb's clinical services can be of use for children (ages 6 and older), adolescents, and adults who suffer from stress and anxiety-related problems, including: 

  • Social Anxiety
  • Generalized Anxiety 
  • Specific Phobias and Fears
  • Panic Attacks
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Trichotillomania (hair pulling)

her years of experience, Dr. Robb can help guide you in using your mind as an ally in dealing with stress, anxiety, and fear. To learn more about how Dr. Robb can help you or your child, please contact Your Mind Power, LLC  today.

Online video sessions are available for residents of the District of Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia through our HIPAA Compliant Secure Client Portal.


Medical science has made significant advancements in addressing mental health problems related to anxiety and stress, but many people who suffer from these conditions find that medications alone are not enough to alleviate symptoms and improve their quality of life. For those who suffer from stress or anxiety Dr. Robb is available to help, providing a clinical treatment approach that incorporates integrative psychotherapy within a Cognitive-Behavioral framework tailored to meet the individual